Sian & Charlie Chicken 

Charlie Chicken (in the photo above) was bought as a baby from a local breeder in 2022. As the months went on, following a mass of research and testing, it was confirmed that Charlie has an uncurable avian virus (Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease - aka PBFD) that causes feather deformities, loss and has a profoundly negative impact on his immune system.

During this time, it also became clear that there is a massive lack of accurate, reliable and accessible information to help people learn about good budgie healthcare and the environments that help them to thrive.
To add to this, there seemed to be a lack of budgie rescue provision, for people who find themselves needing a rehoming option.

Sian set up Charlie’s Place UK in 2023, inspired by (and named after) Charlie Chicken, who stars in the CPUK logo, to do her bit in bettering the lives of budgies and their guardians.

Our aviary

After an initial settling period (this period of 3-4 weeks allowing them to be treated for any health concerns and get used to the new sounds and smells) all budgies who are welcomed to CPUK get to enjoy a large, hand built outdoor aviary.

Featuring a covered, insulated area, lots of (regularly refreshed) environmental enrichment, it’s heated in Winter/colder spells (for the humans’ peace of mind, more than the birds)

If budgies have been outdoors in the UK from the Springtime, they acclimatise to the weather, so the cold doesn’t bother them - it’s gusts and blustery weather that can be dangerous!

Our policies