Sites we use and recommend

  • www.

    We use this company for postal testing for PBFD and French Moult.


    Mixes of dust/contaminant-free seed, many developed in partnership with trusted avian professionals. Super quick delivery. 10% off if you join the UK Budgerigar Club.


    For £10 per year membership, amongst a very supportive and experienced community of people keeping budgies (as pets and/or breeders) there is also an avian specialist vet (with specific passion for budgies) on hand in the member Facebook groups, Dr Kevin Eatwell (BVSc CertZooMed DipECZM DZooMed (Reptilian) MRCVS).

    Dr Kev has also created numerous online training courses, too, for members to access, for free.

    My learning and competence has, in large part, credit to the UKBC.


    Superb customer service, excellent quality perches and toys.


    Based in the Netherlands, their products are of exceptional quality and the provide excellent scientifically-informed advice and guidance.


    We use MAH for Arcadia lighting, F10 avian disinfectants and crop feeding/gavage equipment.

Royal Veterinary College Budgie Care

Useful contacts

Lost/found birds

Bird Rescue Organisations

I need help with a pet bird, they’re not a budgie, what do I do?

If you are worried about the way a pet or other captive bird is being treated, you can contact these national animal rescues for advice:

  • RSPCA: 0300 1234 999 (England and Wales)

  • SSPCA: 03000 999 999 (Scotland)

  • USPCA: 028 3025 1000 (Northern Ireland)

Found a racing or fancy pigeon with a ring?

Take a look at the Pigeon Association website here. 

Lost or found a falconry bird?

Report the bird to the Independent Bird Register: 0161 790 5613

Lost or found a pet bird? 

If you’ve found a bird, and they appear to be in good health (always contact a veterinary practice if you’re unsure), house them as securely and safely as you can, and ensure they have access to clean water and appropriate food.

For lost and found birds, it’s critical to get the word out, as soon as you can.

For found birds: be very cautious of anyone other than a registered/reputable animal rescue organisation offering to ‘rehome’ or take care of it. The main aim is to reunite the bird with their human family, passing them on to an unregulated/unregistered person greatly reduces the chance of that, and may put the health of the bird at risk.

Utilise Facebook groups (including local buy and sell groups, for maximum visibility) and register with:

Concerns about your own pet bird?

Search for vets which can treat pet birds here.

Pet parrots

These organisations may be able to help with husbandry advice, rehoming and rescue queries: